Welcome to our internet shop!
All models of Dock Boot shoes we offer for your choice you may find in special sections of the shop: CHILDREN, WOMEN, MEN. Socks are visible in the section SOCKS, however we are still planning to have some accessories.
Look, read, choose the necessary size, and press ADD TO CART. May we offer you follow the table with sizes, insole’s length and other information or contact us info@dockboot.lt for an advice.
Payment will start later in the next stage, so after putting the items into the basket, you may return to the shop and go on shopping, considering, discussing and making corrections. May we underline that putting the item into the basket does not mean the item has been already reserved – until the payment process begins it can be taken over by another buyer.
Have you decided? Nice! Press VIEW CART or CHECKOUT. You will be asked to give your (recipient’s) name, surname, address, phone and email, which are necessary for the purchase agreement and goods delivery. You also choose the method of delivery and payment. Seeking to ensure your and our rights and duties, you will have to confirm Rules and Privacy policy. The last step of ordering is pressing PLACE ORDER.
More about payment in the PAYMENT section.
More about payment in the DELIVERY section.
At the end of the order (procurement) process, within the next few minutes you will receive an automatic confirmation to the given email (please check the sections Promotions and Spam too). After dispatch of items, we will send you a message again.