
BENNY is a dark blue Dock Boot style with a picture of a very cute teddy bear. This cute bear will become an imaginable friend of your little one, with whom it is more fun to jump in the puddles!

Heat insulating and waterproof Dock Boot shoes for your child‘s daily adventures! The feet remain dry and warm, the shoe is soft and keeps firmly on foot, but it is easy to take on and off even for the little ones.

Produced from neoprene and natural rubber

100% waterproof

Suitable from -10°C to +15ºC (insulated by 5 mm of neoprene)

 Reinforcement for heel and toes (foot protection)

 Washable in the washing machine (at +30ºC in the washing bag)

✔ Fast dry

 Soft, flexible, convenient and long-lasting

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DOCK BOOT shoes are a little bit enlarged, so our shoes size 28 will not necessarily be compliant with size 28 of other trademark. It is likely, that if you wear other shoes, for instance, size 28, now you will need 27. May we advise you to read the given interior length measurements and take into account recommendations on how to choose a suitable size.

Outline the feet from heel to toes, while standing on the paper and measure the length. Add about 10 mm and look for the nearest size to the sum.


Size 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Insole mm 135 143 150 156 163 169 176 182


Size 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Insole mm 190 198 203 207 215 224 232 240



When choosing a size for adults, depending on the characteristics of the individual feet and the thickness of the socks to be worn, it is also advisable to add about 5-10 mm to the length of the feet. However, this is not always necessary. In most cases, adult Dock Boot sizes are the same size as the shoes normally worn.

True, the SPITSBERGEN and TELEMARK models are made of a thicker layer of neoprene (7 mm), so they are stronger and more tight on the ankles, as well as the calves – when buying these models, may we recommend to choose one size larger than you normally wear.

Size 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
Insole mm 231 240 248 256 265 269 277 284


Size 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Insole mm 292 303 311 319 328 336 345


Here target measurements are given for certain sizes and models. Note that Dock Boot shoes are handmade, therefore, the actual measurements may slightly vary (5-10 mm/20-30 g tolerance).

Weights of pairs for all models vary about 30-50 g in average for every size, and heights for tops of boot increase about 5-10 mm in every 2-3 sizes.

Size and model Weight of pair without a box Top of a boot with a sole
20 UNE 500 g 150 mm
25 UNE 700 g 180 mm
31 UNE 860 g 195 mm
35 LISTA 1000 g 210 mm
39 LISTA 1200 g 240 mm
43 LISTA 1460 g 265 mm
43 SPITSBERGEN 1900 g 290 mm
43 TELEMARK 2000 g 390 mm
46 TELEMARK 2350 g 400 mm


MAINTENANCE: use a dry or wet cloth, or simply water for cleaning; wash in the washing bag in the washing machine at temperature +30°C; do not keep close to the source of strong direct light, f.e. sun.

RECOMMENDATION: you can wear cotton socks, however, if perspiration is stronger than normal or you want to have a higher warm comfort, thin wool socks are recommended.

OTHER INFORMATION: because of intensive wear, cleaning and washing of Dock Boot shoes, also when stored (dried) in a strong sun, their color and brightness of pictures may undergo slight changes due to the contact with environment and its impact. It is not treated as a factory defect.


Designed, tested and appreciated in Norway

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What our customers say about us

Geriausi batai rudeniui ir žiemai! Per visas balas per visus šalčius!
Su Dock Boot jokios balos mums nebaisios! Nuostabus aptarnavimas, smagūs ir patogūs botai. Taip pat dėkui už kantrybę ir patarimus renkantis dydį :))
Iš tos laimės, pamiršau net padėkoti už nuostabų bendravimą ir tokį greitą batukų pristatymą. Batukus gavome šeštadienį, tai mažosios madistės buvo daugiau nei laimingos galėdamos po balas braidyti. Labai gailiuosi, kad jus atradau tik dabar, o ne rudenį :). dar kartą ačiū už nuostabią prekę ir sugrįšime didesnių :)!
Šie batai - mano metų atradimas! Dukrytė lanko gamtos darželį, su jais ir per balas, ir per purvą brenda. Vakare iškratom smėlį, nuplaunam purvą, išimam vidpadžius, per naktį išdžiovinam ir kitą rytą - vėl į trasą ir istorija kartojasi 🙂 Labai džiaugiuosi ir tikrai rekomenduoju!
Super botai, super servisas, labai rekomenduoju čia pirkti
I have to say that the quality of the boots even exceeded my expectations. I have read many good reviews about them, and I was able to ensure yesterday that they are 100% true. And - my kid likes them, which is very important; they are absolutely comfortable, true to your provided size chart and easy to slide on and slip off! :)

Company details


LLC Dock Boot LT
Company code: 304917985
Bank: AB SEB bankas
Bank code: 70440

© 2022 All rights reserved – UAB „Dock Boot LT”